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tis the season

Happy December eve everyone! Its the final stretch before the beginning of the year and all the resolutions to come. We’re preparing for celebrations across cultures, the solstice, and the big yearly reset button. How fitting that within the darkest time of the year, (or brightest time of the year in Southern continents) we call upon ourselves to start fresh. Personally, its also a time when I see a lot of stress in my fellow humans, and it comes out in very strange ways.

On that note, I would just like to remind everyone to keep each other safe this holiday season. Recently both of my younger siblings were at the mercy of incidents involving cars though both are safe and okay, thank Goddess. In fact, minutes after I heard about the second incident involving my younger brother, I witnessed an incident of slightly dangerous impatience in the parking lot – one driver came within inches of the open door a young lady was standing just inside of. The 20 seconds it would’ve taken him to wait were far less valuable than the safety of her body. So I’d just like to remind everyone its OK to slow down and breathe; it is not imperative to make it to that clearance sale. Also it is a big responsibility we each carry as owners of cars to keep ourselves and everyone around us safe when we operate these very heavy machines.

For me, however, this is a month not of stress and rush but of preparation Its a time to think about where I want to devote my energy in the coming year. I’ve heard it said that its very easy to come up with resolutions that focus on correcting our shortcomings. Maybe we should focus instead on setting goals that build on our strengths. I have a few ideas in mind myself, so stay tuned.


Tonight on the rooftop, my housemates and I sat under the stars hanging out and I asked “Is that a star or a plane? I can’t tell if it’s moving,” and one said “Well everything’s always moving.”

Its true, we are always moving, and if we move with awareness and wisdom it can change how we move forward. To see some of what Jesus says about wisdom check out our book The Word 2.0

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Buenas Noches,


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