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The Controversial and Much Anticipated Biography

of Jesus of Nazareth By Miguel Barriere







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A completely fresh, unique and new perspective, point especially women, and also younger generations – our children, toward the universal, eternal spiritual values that Jesus teaches. And so, in this way, point all readers toward a better understanding of Spirit, reconciliation, healing, oneness, conscious presence, and ultimately God.

Exclusive 30 Minute Interview with the Author

by Miguel Barrière | The Word 2.0


The son of immigrants, and the first person in his family born in the United States of America, Miguel Barrière considers his greatest achievement is being father to one son and two daughters. It is in this role that he found himself most interested in better understand the relationship between God and Jesus.

Without any formal religious training per se, Miguel was raised in a mixed-religious and spiritual family. He feels those influences and values shaped his calling to serve, and so enlisted in the US Army after high school – where later he would later be Commissioned a Second Lieutenant. He graduated the University of California at Berkeley, where his father Mario also attended, and there discovered his talent for analyzing complex and diverse data sets to establish patterns and trends.

His analytical skills grew to become a passion for writing which led to many successful opportunities in business. Miguel also considers his spiritual growth a passion and a priority. Today he owns and operates a ‘green energy’ consultancy in Santa Barbara County, California, where he lives and writes. Through everything he has learned and experienced, difficult times and good, Miguel’s love of God continues to grow as he honors and celebrates the women and children in his life.

“So much wisdom is revealed in the content by aligning Jesus of Nazareth’s life along a single, unified timeline that students, casual readers, and even followers may not have been aware of before now,” states the author. “Truly biographical, The Word 2.0 also relies on the gospel narrative to provide story structure, and Scripture to create meaningful context. Anyone with an open mind and willingness will discover the wisdom of spiritual growth.”

Miguel Barriere

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