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A “Traditional” Jewish teacher and Rabbi, Jesus was a “Feminine-ist” – taught the word of God’s “Divine Feminine” aspect in balance with and the co-equal of God’s “Divine Masculine” aspect. Jesus was absolutely NOT a Hellenist, a Hellenizer, or Greek sympathizer in any sense of the definition. It is easy to say Jesus was not just opposed to the Greek-Hellenist influence in Israel, but moreover he stood against it in every way!


jesus and woman

Jesus teaches quite the opposite of Hellenism’s male-dominated structure. He says that in order for men to even begin that journey back to God, what we commonly call ‘spiritual growth’ requires a cleansing of their masculine ego and self-will – a death of sorts. Only then it seems can men recognize and accept women as their co-equals. This occurs through the process Jesus describes as being “born again in Spirit” – God’s Ruach HaKodesh. For this reason, among others, I call Jesus, who was a traditional Jewish teacher and Rabbi, call a “Feminine-ist” – to honor the way in which he teaches us all about God’s Divine Feminine aspect.

You will find my study guides most helpful getting the most out of the book, beginning with 2.10, “Men Co-Create Equality”. I cannot repeat it often enough that the values, virtues and qualities that Jesus teaches us about God’s Divine Feminine are indeed crucial to our balance, our reconciliation, our redemption, and our restoration to wholeness. Our ‘at-One-ment’ you might say.

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Happy Holidays!

Mike Barriere

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