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I just read one of the more ludicrous quotes I’ve heard from a modern person. It was from US Justice Scalia concerning his opinion about the capacity for African American students to excel in school. 

“One of – one of the briefs pointed out that – that most of the – most of the black scientists in this country don’t come from schools like the University of Texas. They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they’re – that they’re being pushed ahead in – in classes that are too­­ too fast for them.” – Justice Scalia
Common sense and practical application tell anyone that the better quality of education a person has access to, the more successful they will be as students and eventually, as contributing citizens. It’s true that students come in the wide spectrum of ability, interest and motivation, but this is present throughout the full spectrum of skin color.

One of the more ignorant things a person can do is assume that skin color has anything to do with the human capacity for learning, growth and expansion. We have made leaps and bounds of progress since the 1700s when Africans were denied the right to be educated (since they were seen as slaves), but it wasn’t that long ago in our history that African Americans were denied the right even to desegregated education. 
Take the Little Rock Nine for example: In 1957 at Arkansas’ Little Rock Central school, 9 African American students attempted to enter the newly desegregated school. They needed escort from the national guard to protect them from furious protestors who threatened, spat and attempted to prevent them from entering. Even Arkansas’ governor Orval Faubus attempted to deny the students the right to enter but was personally ordered by President Dwight Eisenhower to stand down.
This wasn’t even 60 years ago. This is not even enough time for the generations that grew up with segregation to die off. OF COURSE there is still a problem of racism, we see it everywhere. Justice Scalia is a part of the generation that was growing up in these times. Its not his fault that he was taught fear and ignorance by his parents, but every human has a choice and opportunity to grow past what their parents taught them. This is evolution.
So when someone with such powerful sway as a US Justice is making decisions from ignorant, clearly wrong opinions about his fellow humans – especially those human lives who he will directly affect – we need to ponder what we want our future to look like so we can choose leaders who reflect those values. 
See what Jesus had to say about human rights in our book The Word 2.0
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Praying for equality,
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