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Sometimes life can be like trying to hold too many things at once. Be a mother, do homework, pay bills, get healthy groceries, Oh and also stay fit and look good all at once. We have lots of pockets and lots of bags, but we insist on holding all the things we think we’ll need soon, or things we want to keep an eye on. We have all these pockets, so why are we putting anything in them? What aspects of ourselves would be good to prioritize our attention on at any one time?

As the great Sufi poet Rumi says:

“Life is a balance of letting go and holding on.”

As we struggle to juggle too many things at once it is sometimes a case that something will fall. After all, we only have so many units of attention to direct at any given time.When it seems like you’re dropping things lot, maybe it’s time to take a break and a breath and see if you can put anything away for the moment. This can be the beginning of Zen, which is doing only one thing at a time. The least you can do for your sanity is juggle fewer things at once.

As a woman, its a particularly interesting balancing act that we must accomplish if we are to be “successful” mothers, wives, daughters, friends, and workers. The atmosphere of growing into our equality puts us at this precarious place of thinking we must prove to ourselves and everyone else that we are satisfactory humans. Really though, the best we can hope for to be successful is to balance what we can, when we must, as gracefully as we can. This is especially true this time of year when society tells us “There is so much to be done! Are you ready for it?!”

Let me leave you with this actual definition of balance: an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

got balance

Have a look at what Jesus thought of the balance between men and women and how we should direct our energy in our book The Word 2.0.

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Stay Steady Friends,


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