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Men’s World

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When Jesus uses the expression “the world” it is always separate and distinct from the Earth. Looking more closely at the context in which he uses one or the other, we have come to the understanding that “the world” is a masculine construct, whereas the Earth is distinctly feminine.  We are not writing about the Earth today except to say this so-called world men invented is like an overlay fitting over the top of, covering or otherwise overshadowing the Earth in many respects. Rather an apt description given men’s proclivities toward women!

I like to imagine a simpler time though. When the world my friends and I would invent was rather like our private a tree-fort or clubhouse. A make-believe place where we could play, make up rules, decided who could belong, and generally be in charge. Girls definitely needed not apply. Being a pretend kind of place, we could act out any number of different adventures and no one really got hurt. It also made for a cool hide-out from mom or dad should the need arise.

Reminds me of Adam and Havah (Eve) in the Garden of Eden – Earth. That would have been really cool! Up until they got busted for eating the forbidden fruit – whoops! Been there, done that. And not unlike Adam, the first thing I did was hide out, embarrassed, afraid. When I did finally show myself, I was like my parents could see right through me! I may as well have been naked. So then what? Who else can I blame? Them? My girlfriend? Convinced their rules were probably bogus anyway, so what if I did violate one? It didn’t kill me after all! I suppose about this time you would call me rebellious. Authority didn’t suit me. My own private world just made more sense.

Fast-forward some 20, 30 or 40 years later and I am still playing make-believe as if the rules don’t apply to me. As I look around “the world” their seems to be a lot of men who feel the same way. They don’t respect the Earth, they don’t respect women, they don’t respect one another, and barely respect themselves. Its like we all know something is really wrong with this world of our own invention, but we’re all still in denial or blaming others like Adam did. We don’t want to be held accountable for our mistakes, refuse to be responsible in any case, have real obligations now weighing on us, and yet wonder why we aren’t really happy.

Albert Einstein called it men’s “Optical Delusion“. This vague notion that we are special, different, apart from, and yet in reality we are not. “The World” we make-believe exists really doesn’t. There is only the Earth, and we are a part of it. And far from being in charge of it – the boss of it, we are entirely subject to the Earth. One aspect of men’s struggle with reality is that other men down the block have a bigger and badder fort, and they will kick our butts if we mess with them or theirs. And there are other men elsewhere who are mean and tough too.

Jesus talks a lot about asking forgiveness, making amends, cleansing, being born again, accepting Spirit – the Divine Feminine aspect of God into our lives, so that we can be reconciled to one another rather than constantly at odds. It looks to be a program daily doing and being to me, despite what some men say. But what I think is really crucial in all this is its time to ask women to join our little club. I’m afraid me and my friends we are all out of answers. We have no idea what we are doing, and nothing works. Violence, brutality, fear, egoic self-will and selfishness just don’t cut it. Better we stop and look at who pays the price – who really suffers for our foolishness?

Check out my book, “The Word 2.0” and stand by, my first set of seven study guides is on the way!

Shalom – Peace,



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