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Thank you very much for your response to my posting on June 2, 2015 entitled, “God as much woman as man?”

The title of both my website and my Facebook page, as well as the sub-title of my book, pose an important question to believers of all faiths, denominations, creeds, races, nationalities, and even to non-believers: “What if Jesus was a woman?” To which we might add, “What if God is a feminist?”

The point is not specifically whether Jesus was in fact male or female. Rather I hope to stimulate a conversation focused on what Jesus thought, said and did. And how that message relates to God’s will and plan for us, and our purpose in this life. If Jesus had been a woman, would we perceive the message of the teachings any differently? If Jesus was a woman and not a man, might that explain God’s word more clearly? Keeping in mind Jesus knew only one Bible – Scripture as it were, on page 26 of my book, “The Word 2.0″, you will find an extract from Genesis / B’Resheet (1:26 – 27) that reads:

“God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image – in the likeness of ourselves’…

God created them male and female in God’s image.”

Which brings us to today’s questions. With respect to God, blessed be all God’s holy names, can we begin by considering the possibility that God is undifferentiated masculine and feminine energy, in perfect balance, neither male nor female and yet both? If we can accept this as possible, can we even begin imagine God’s creative process by which we are made manifest on Earth differentiated as masculine or feminine? As indeed is all Creation? Can we accept that it fulfills God’s plan that we are differentiated male and female, man and woman?

I promise we will speak at much greater length on all these facets.

In the meantime, please read the following story which first broke about a year ago:

As God created man and woman in God’s own image and likeness, fulfilling God’s purpose, who in this world is to say women can not minister God’s word? Let me know how you feel!

You are of course encouraged go to and search out my book, “The Word 2.0” and read my unique and excellent biography of Jesus. You have surely never read anything like it, regardless how well you believe you know Jesus. You can also tune in here for more information about study guides that provide insight into the book – Jesus’ life and ministry.

Love & Light,




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