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The continuing saga of the “Tyranny of Testosterone” – or perhaps we should call it the “Terror of Testosterone“?

July 29, 2015

Why must men kill? What drives them to it? It is easy enough to say testosterone, but that is unfair in a way. Testosterone doesn’t kill people, or in today’s case, defenseless animals, men do!

Cecil the Lion 7-29-15

Eons ago the chore of hunting for food fell to men, as did gathering, tending herds and flocks, and even farming. Not because men are superior to women in any way, mind you, it is just how it worked out. And as it turns out, Scripture – the Bible, is filled with stories about such things. But the hunt was a necessary evil. Never undertaken lightly, and danger was never more than one unforgiving mistake or error in judgment away. But survival also often depended on the success of the hunt. They used every single part of the kill in some way. You could say that is where modern concepts of efficiency really began. Indeed our ancestors all around the world were not wasteful or arrogant. In fact they were quite respectful of the balance of nature and the forces within which they lived, and grateful to our Mother Earth for the bounty she provided. You could say that for the most primitive of times, being respectful and grateful and efficient was the way to honor and thank God – as they understood God.

Men are simply violent and haven’t stopped killing defenseless animals though, even though it is completely unnecessary for survival. Men do it for sport, the thrill of the hunt, for money, because other men revere them for the size and shape of their guns, and because they can. They lack any sort of conscience, killing is an acceptable expression of their worldview. Take the brutal slaughter of vast herd of buffalo not so long ago in America, for example. That planned execution of those noble beasts was to deny native Americans food, clothing and shelter – starve them to death.God said,

“The sinfulness [selfishness] of men was great on the Earth. Every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil [egoic] continually… (men) were corrupt and filled with violence.”       (Pages 28 – 29)

So you tell me – what sort of God-conscious spirituality produces such thinking? Such urges? Such impulses? Such desires? Small wonder I translate “evil” to egoic and “sinful” to selfish, if you happen to read my book, “The Word 2.0“.

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 7.49.00 PM

Most men have no conscious connection to God or any other higher power beyond their own ego and self-will so its okay. I could go on with quotes from God and Jesus about the sanctity of life – all life, and the hypocrisy of men, but not today. Today men with lots of money go to places where men don’t and pay them to do their dirty work. Men from Asia pay for such things as rhinoceros horn to enlarge their apparently inadequate penii leading to the slaughter of those beautiful creatures. All the while an American dentist pays Zimbabwean men to help him kill a beloved old lion [that is Cecil pictured above]. How can men who say they revere the same God who spared life in the time of Noah pretend what they do is right?


Well we know men are supremely adept at justifying and rationalizing their actions under any circumstances. It is a sign of the imbalance with which we all live, ever since Adam tried to blame first God and then Havah/Eve for his own decisions, uttering those now famous words,

“The woman you gave me – she gave me fruit from the tree….” (Page 27)

And of course it does not stop at killing defenseless animals for the sake of an erection does it? What are men not willing to do? I sometimes wonder what it might have been like if Adam had truly repented for his actions? Asked God and Havah’s forgiveness? Made amends in some way? Had taken some concrete action to atone? Really and truly change?

Peace, Shalom!





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