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August 19, 2015

Did you see “With All Due Respect” on TV today? It should be called “Ignorant Disrespect”!

I prefer watching market report and analysis to newsy type shows on TV, and then drawing my own conclusions about whatever data they choose to present. Lately Bloomberg’s market coverage has seemed to me to be well worth watching for that purpose. That’s like a compliment.

Unfortunately I left the station on after the markets closed and was treated to some of the most disrespectful Q & A it has been my displeasure to hear on a so-called talk-show format for some time. Ironically the show is called “With All Due Respect”, which must be some kind of joke. I will not dignify another disrespectful male hosting a segment in which he was “interviewing” Jennifer Palmieri about some handling of suspect e-mails by Hilary Clinton under the banner of some continuing manufactured scandal.

Jennifer Palmieri 8-19-15

Watching this disrespectful male was actually painful – embarrassing really, mostly because it was obvious he had no idea how classified information is treated of handled. Clearly his agenda consisted of working off someone else’s talking points. To conceal his ignorance and inadequacy he simply got louder and louder, spitting out meaningless questions faster and faster. Attack, attack, attack. Shout her down. And is this not what men do when they have no idea what they are talking about? Small wonder she seemed uncomfortable given the violent nature of men that women have had to deal with for thousands of years.

I’m surprised at her grace all things considered. No doubt she came prepared to have a meaningful conversation with this host, not to be bullied and viciously attacked. But again, the real point here is that he knows nothing about classified information. I imagine he has never seen any, handled any, and so what is his purpose here? And attempting to deflect her well thought-out answer was equally Neanderthal. In one exchange he said something ludicrous likening “sensitive” information to “classified”, and talking about handling information that might be “classified” in the future, and even whose responsibility within an organization it is to identify and properly designate “classified” information.

If this is all men like this one have on Senator/Secretary Clinton, why are they wasting our time? The only thing that comes to mind, and this man certainly exemplifies the point, men are scared to death a woman might become President! They are afraid. Do they hope to somehow discredit her? Do they hope to goad women like Ms. Palmieri into forgetting they are women, bringing a completely different take to the table? A take which is long overdue given the mess men have made of things! And thank God women are different! Viva la difference!

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Pick up a copy of my book, The Word 2.0 and learn a little bit more about Jesus on the subject of women – Spirit, God’s Divine Feminine aspect, and restoring balance on Earth.



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