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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Birthday USA!

If you are not familiar with my book “The Word 2.0” let me just quickly say it is a fresh, daring and perhaps even controversial new biography of Jesus of Nazareth that may have been sub-titled, “What if Jesus was a woman?”

This blog is dedicated to the emergence of God’s Divine Feminine aspect which Jesus points us directly toward. Yes, if you are a man reading this, pay close attention. However, my hope is that women especially need no longer fear the mere mention of Jesus! Instead, if you focus on the message, you will quickly discover it is very feminine.

Whether or not you agree with what God said in Genesis, or what Jesus later repeated, we believe God created man and woman in God’s image as co-equals in perfect Divine Balance. Our purpose is to foster rebalancing Creation through spiritual cleansing and healing, rebirth in Spirit, and reconciling men and women toward restoration of all relations and relationships. All these things demand, even require the ascension of God’s Divine Feminine – the female, women.


A sign of the spiritual change taking place, Pope Francis – who takes his name from the well-known environmentalist and conservationist Francis of Assisi, issued his first encyclical entitled “Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home.” It begins by saying “climate change is real” and humans – men, are largely responsible. In defense of Earth herself, the Pope calls out the “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem”. Echoing God’s criticism of men in the time of Noah, he goes on to cite the corruption of men’s “throwaway culture” of consumerism, oil consumption, and the plundering of Earth’s scarce and non-renewable resources by the world’s richest men.

In addition to leaving once fertile nations barren, and however cliche it may sound to say, the climate change which the decisions of men are causing is also bringing about plagues of Biblical proportion including floods, droughts, and famine. To which we should also add war, disease and extreme fluctuations of temperature. In defense of our Mother Earth, which in turn is the source of all life from the beginning, the Pope said: “The Earth is our home!” Unfortunately she is also “beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.

To place it in terms of the imbalance between God’s Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine as I do, imagine that oil reflects the masculine aspect, and water the feminine aspect. In this way it is easy to see how the pursuit of oil has completely overwhelmed our concern for life-giving water. And beyond the sheer scale of destruction droughts and floods cause, envision a time in the not too distant future when because of melting polar caps there is not sufficient drinking water. In the United States for example, states from California through the South, the Mid-West and East are all dealing with the effects of this climate change. Men, who are responsible for almost every decision made resulting in these conditions have no concept of what real creation is about. About men profiting from the Earth’s bounty – including oil, without respecting her balance and power, Jesus says,

“A man casts seed into the ground, and then he sleeps.

“He rises night and day, and the seed springs and grow up – but he does not know how.

“For the Earth brings forth fruit of herself. First the blade then the ear and then after that the full corn in the ear.

“But when the fruit comes forth, immediately he puts in the sickle because the harvest has arrived.”

The Word 2.0, page 136.

Again, rebalancing the effects of men’s choices demand, even require the ascension of God’s Divine Feminine – the female, women. Of course men who share this feminine perspective are welcome to join this effort.

My thanks to coverage provided in the news magazine “The Week“, dated July 3, 2015.

Love and Light,



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