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Recently I had the opportunity to indulge in my first ever day-spa experience. Now this might seem trivial at first glance, but what I experienced was a complete letting go of self judgment amidst the spirit of the goddess.

I came in with no expectations, I just knew that I would be naked and surrounded by naked women in a mostly quiet atmosphere. As a Korean-influenced spa, it had different baths, two heated jade floors for napping, a steam room, oxygen room, sauna and heated salt room. As I traveled through the different rooms and baths and allowed myself to be at ease naked in what was essentially a public space.

This is where I pause, because after thought it seems absurd to be to be anything but at ease in my own skin. I wonder how deep-seeded my occasional body shame really is. How far back in history does it go that women took on value only as objects of value to men? Growing up surrounded by the cattiness of pubescent girls, the spa experience was a perfect contrast in its lack of judgement.

How vital our energy is to the planet. How balancing we have the capacity to be, and yet here we are a few thousand years after the rise – and supposed fall – of Hellenism and women are still raised with feelings of inadequacy. It is a belief that we are inferior and unworthy of love that we tolerate the inequality that surrounds us.

Seeing this in myself, I was able to let go of the blockages in my heart surrounding my insecurities about my body. I had come to place designed to allow women to relax and let their guard down. I had the beautiful opportunity to experience and appreciate the goddess in all her shapes and sizes. With such a sense of affirmation and with so much gratitude I allowed myself to fully relax in my own skin. Thank Goddess.

In our book The Word 2.0, we discuss how the Bible records Hellenism’s disempowerment of women in our history. We also discuss how Jesus’ teachings actually point toward womankind as necessary to balance the destructive and controlling energies of mankind.

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In loving support of all my Goddess sisters,



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