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Holy wow! Thank goodness for this most recent update on the decision Obama has made about the Keystone XL Pipeline. It was REJECTED. This is a huge step in the direction of moving our infrastructure away from oil and toward renewable and sustainable energy!

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In his own words:

“America is now a global leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight climate change,’’ Mr. Obama said in remarks from the White House. “And frankly, approving this project would have undercut that global leadership.’’

Contrast this with his Republican adversaries:

“President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline is a huge mistake, and is the latest reminder that this administration continues to prioritize the demands of radical environmentalists over America’s energy security,’’ said Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, “When I’m president, Keystone will be approved, and President Obama’s backward energy policies will come to an end.’’

As soon as I read this response I had to ask myself; What is backwards about moving away from an energy source that is not only dwindling in availability, but also clearly shown to be harmful to the planet and her people? (We just saw evidence for this in my last post about Exxon) Where is the logic in investing money and time into a nearly depleted energy source? I also had to laugh when I saw that he would call environmental protection extreme; maybe that’s because I’m biased in that I think we should keep our planet healthy so we can continue as a species. That might be nice.

Not surprisingly, it is mostly the Republican party and oil companies that most loudly voice their contempt for this decision. We are reminded however, that the main reason this decision was made was because of the outcry of The People. I capitalize this because I feel like citizens are usually kept at arm’s length when it comes to legislature, and Obama’s presidency reflects his respect for their voice. One onlooker had this to say:

“Once the grass-roots movement on the Keystone pipeline mobilized, it changed what it meant to the president,” said Douglas G. Brinkley, a historian at Rice University who writes about presidential environmental legacies. “It went from a routine infrastructure project to the symbol of an era.”


Maybe this is our war cry as a new generation. Balance, equal rights, protection of the planet. Every generation starts with the basis of what they know to pass on to their offspring to improve upon. This is a meaningful decision because our generation CARES about it. This is evolution.

Just as parents must let their children go so they can grow, it is time for our predecessors to relinquish their white-knuckled grip on their agenda for our future.

Please take a peek at our book The Word 2.0!

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For the full article on Obama’s decision click here.


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