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Venus Rising

June 23, 2015

If you are not familiar with my book “The Word 2.0” let me just quickly say the sub-title should be “What if Jesus was a woman?” A startling new biography of Jesus of Nazareth based on a single, unified timeline, it blends together all four of the “New Testament” gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It includes material from Genesis and the Tanakh (Scripture) as context, as well as material from Acts, Corinthians and Revelations where Jesus also spoke.

The first 7 study guides are due out soon, so stay tuned for more information. They will cover such topics as Parable-Storytelling, Dreams & Visions, Seek Balance and Manifest Change from Jesus’ teaching.

The true beauty of beginning at the beginning, so to speak, is we get a much more clear picture of Jesus’ purpose delivering God’s word. It is a much more feminine message than previously suspected, and so hence the sub-title. To which you might add, “Isn’t God a feminist?” Whatever else you think, feel or believe, the book is the best primer on the life and sayings of Jesus you have never read!

This blog is dedicated to the emergence of God’s Divine Feminine aspect which God and Jesus are pointing us directly toward. Yes, if you are a man reading this, pay close attention. However, my hope is that women especially need no longer associate Jesus with any church, and instead focus on the message.

Whether or not you agree with what God said in Genesis, or what Jesus later repeated, we believe God created man and woman in God’s image as co-equals in perfect Divine Balance. Our purpose is to rebalance Creation through spiritual cleansing and healing, rebirth in Spirit, and reconciling men and women toward restoration of all relations and relationships. Accepting this is God’s plan for us is our best first step!

The top story today comes from the AP newswire entitled “Capitol Hill Buzz: Meryl Streep asks Congress to revive ERA (the Equal Rights Amendment) []

Need it be said that some 40 years ago the movement for masculine and feminine co-equality was blocked by men? Now is probably a good time to remind you that women have had the vote in America for less than 100 years! Where our “founding fathers” said “All men are created equal…”, that is almost precisely what that group of men meant – besides excluding of course women, they also did not include men of color, or even non-land owning men. However what is crucial for our purposes in this blog is that a woman’s voice is being heard in the Capitol!

Yesterday I wrote about the rebel flag flying over the Capitol of SC, where a man had shot to death a number of black parishioners. There a courageous woman, the Governor of SC, Nikki Barber, called for the rebel flag to be taken down. Today’s news story (also thanks to AP) reads: “SC lawmakers agree to debate removing the C***e Flag”. []

Of course by “lawmakers” we know they mean men in power. We imagine that by agreeing to debate somehow this issue is going away – stay tuned! Thank you again Governor Barber for your courageous stand!

Love & Light,



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