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December 28, 2015

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Jesus was not a ‘Hellenist’! Indeed Jesus was anti-Hellenist. One reason Jesus was so critical of men was their attraction to Hellenism for its man-worship!

Almost no matter what “church” you might affiliate with, it promotes Hellenism – either accidentally or on purpose. Hellenism places men – the male, a man, indeed all things masculine above women, any woman, and indeed all things feminine. The church was invented this way by men, ostensibly beginning with Saul of Tarsus (Paul). The church’s idea about belief in male dominant man-worship begins with men’s own ego of course, but is evident with the Seleucid Greeks of Syria who invaded Israel long before Jesus was born. For them the Hebrew-Jewish idea of just one god, mono-theism as it is called, seemed to resonate. All that was required was for them to do was translate this one god of theirs into a male figure.

By way of their invasion, instilling Hellenism, and the Septuagint, their self-appointed control and masculine oriented translations and interpretations of the Torah, beginning in Eden, took root – so to speak. From the beginning God is portrayed as exclusively male – a pleasant white male fatherly figure. Next comes blaming Havah (Eve) for Adam’s poor choices and decisions. This pattern of subjugating women, the female, and all things feminine continues – including the Earth herself, throughout Scripture leads us into the ‘New Testament‘. But is male-dominance and man-worship what Jesus actually taught? That somehow men are more equal than women under God?

Sorry boys – no! As I illuminate in the first set of 10 study guides to my book The Word 2.0, God created man and woman as absolute co-equals in God’s own image. A pattern which is reflected throughout all Creation. And God’s commitment to the co-equality of the masculine and feminine, the male and female, man and woman was reiterated in the story of Noah. And that is precisely what Jesus taught: Men and women are necessarily absolute co-equals.

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Note that in my book you will find all the events of Jesus’ life aligned along a single, unified timeline. I also include material beginning of Creation as well as material from the Revelation to John at Patmos. In that way his life just makes so much more sense. The laws he observed and taught, the meaning of the parables, the people, places and things he experienced. An altogether different image of him will emerge right before your eyes!


Two very important perspectives on his life and ministry will stand out to you: First, Jesus was anti-Hellenism – if not totally anti-Greek. And he was certainly opposed to the kind of Greek male-worship that had taken root in Israel since the days of that Seleucid invasion. Second, Jesus was completely and entirely pro-Feminine!

What do I mean by ‘pro-feminine‘? I mean that God is undifferentiated masculine and feminine energy; co-equal; unified; divinely balanced; whole; One. This is the only real, meaningful worship of our One True God that Jesus promotes. And that only this very conception of God as masculine and feminine energy is reflected in all Creation. He promotes a divine balance and equality of masculine and feminine energy as the crucial ingredient for Oneness – especially true today!

But we are out of balance because the church, owned and operated by men, adopted Hellenism above Jesus’ Hebrew-Jewish teachings in order to promote the view men are more equal, more important, smarter, better, stronger, or whatever, than women are. And of course that they should rule – be in charge, have control. As we know, in order to enforce this belief the Greek Hellenists simply outlawed our One True God in Israel.

Seems ironic I know, but that’s Greek too. Our One True God was replaced with the figure of a man – a typically naked man, as the object of worship by Greek men. Not surprisingly, Roman men held much the same view of themselves and of women. And, no doubt, some Jewish men as well. Men are what they are even though nothing in their belief system could be further from the truth. Jesus did not teach what they teach period.

Typical Hellenistic Art depicting the naked male-form as godly.

Typical Hellenistic Art depicting worship of the naked male-form as godly.

What you will rediscover reading my study guides and my book is (and for some it will be the first time ever), just how extremely critical Jesus truly was of men! He points out the extent to which men are self-absorbed, self-obsessed, self-willed and egotistical – which of course we all know. But he takes the time to explain how this perception of their self-importance, and how they perceive their small world revolving around them actually blocks God. It maintains this inequality and imbalance we all experience today.

And so why would such a belief system not have appeal to men? Jesus could only have seen Hellenism as the threat that it was then, and continues to be today!

Mange Tak!


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