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June 26, 2015

‘eh! Men!

If you are not familiar with my book “The Word 2.0” let me just quickly just say it is a startling new biography of Jesus of Nazareth based on a single, unified timeline blending together all four of the “New Testament” gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It also includes material from Genesis and the Tanakh (Scripture), in Chapter 1 which I call  “Inception” as context. The book includes material from Acts, Corinthians and Revelations where Jesus is also recorded as speaking. The book does not include Jesus speaking in other widely respected and authoritative gospels, the Koran, the Book of Mormon or elsewhere as they are simply beyond the scope of what I tried to accomplish.

Whether or not you agree with this particular version of the Bible of not, consider it a collection of quaint stories, or whatever, believe it or not, the Law in Genesis / B’Resheet 1:26 – 27 reads:

“God said,

          ‘Let us make humankind in our image – in the likeness of ourselves’…

“God created them male and female in God’s image.”

Men and women are absolute co-equals in perfect Divine Balance. But God did not create us to be separate and equal, but to be one as God is One. Indeed as all life, all Creation is one following this simple basic pattern. The purpose of the book, and this weblog is to promote the healing, reconciliation, and rebalancing that will restore all relationships through the male and the female – men and women. You and me.

As I said recently, there are no other real differences between people in God’s eyes. There is no black or white or yellow or red. There is no nation or state, no creed, no ethnicity, no place of origin. There is no rich or poor, north or south, east or west. These are all distinctions men have brought into existence – labels as we call them, to be different, make themselves feel better about who they are, or prop up their respective illusions of control.

The same is true of religion. There is no Jewish, Moslem or Christian. We are all children of God.  Meaning no disrespect to my brothers and sisters who believe differently – in other aspects of God, most of us claim Abraham as our father either through his son Ishmael by Hagar, or through Isaac by Sarah. And yet in every system of belief on Earth, before the God of your choosing, the only difference between us is whether we are made manifest a male or a female – a man or a woman. Recall again what God said in the Law, that Jesus reiterated in the Love, God did not create us to remain separate and co-equal, but to become as One:

“Know and understand that from the beginning of Creation:
          ‘God made them male and female.’
“Did you not read that God who made them at the beginning of Creation made them male and female, also said:
          ‘For this reason a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife.’?
“That they two become one? So then:
          ‘They are no more two, but one flesh.’”

How it is that men have made an imbalance throughout Creation by dominating and controlling women is the subject of another weblog. Some derive their authority from their particular interpretations of their version of religious writings – which other men wrote in an earlier time. Others have developed  theories about their superiority based upon what other men wrote. I prefer a simpler explanation: Men are egoic (evil), fear-driven and selfish (sinful) by their very nature just as God explained to Noah. And at some point in time men decided that brute force made them right. As we look around this masculine construct we call ‘the world’, even today men have clearly taken all Creation by force – and so to Heaven it would seem.

It will also be the subject of another weblog how this imbalance of masculine energy, God’s own Divine Masculine, began in Eden. For now though what do Dylann Roof and the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have in common? They come from two entirely parts of ‘the world’, one is old and one is young. One claims to be a “Christian” while the other is “Moslem”. One is a cleric, the other fancies himself who knows what – the hand of God? One is clearly learned, the other just ignorant and bigoted. But yes, both are men. As such their answer to the feminine concept of peace is the masculine precept of war – death and destruction. And their hope is to take all the rest of us along with them. Now of course they rationalize as all men do some twisted logical justification that their view must be God’s will. That is because they are so out of balance they are unable to discern any will but their own. And of course they are surrounded by other men who think the same way.

Make no mistake, these two men personify evil (ego) and sin (self), and the male tendency toward temptations of the flesh we read so much about in “The Bible”. Sadly their ideas are bankrupt, but will continue on this destructive trajectory until they allow the voices of women to be heard.

Whatever beliefs you may have, my focus is on Spirit – the embodiment of God’s Divine Feminine aspect, which, as Jesus taught, is the process begins with a spiritual cleansing and healing, rebirth in Spirit, and reconciling men and women toward restoration of all relations and relationships. Accepting this is God’s plan for us is our best first step!

The first 7 study guides are due out soon, so stay tuned for more information. They will cover such topics as Parable-Storytelling, Dreams & Visions, Seek Balance and Manifest Change from Jesus’ teaching.

The Word 2.0” is ultimately dedicated to the re-emergence of God’s Divine Feminine aspect in balance with the Divine Masculine – true co-equality.

Love & Light,


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