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Did Jesus celebrate Hanukkah?

The first sub-section of Chapter 10, Listen, Learn & Do, Rededicate Your Light, on page 214, is dedicated to this event! We quote John 10:22, “At Jerusalem it was the Feast of the Dedication” – which is the Festival of Lights; Hanukkah!
Though not one of God’s seven proclaimed “Feasts of the Lord”, Hanukkah originated with the ‘Miracle of the Lights’ at the culmination of the Revolt of the Maccabees, when the Temple was liberated from the Greeks in 165 B.C.E. Please read more about this holiday in Chapter 1, Rededicate the Tabernacle on Page 36.
The quote from John is the only actual mention of Hanukkah in all of the complete Hebrew Bible.
This event is also believed to coincide with Jesus’ birth – December 25 of that year.

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