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July 9, 2015

Jimmy Carter 7-9-15

Ahead of a retrospective I will be doing on Former-President Jimmy Carter, he said the other day Jesus would approve of same-gender marriage. Please take a look and share this post and article:[]

And thank you President Carter for your courage to speak up! As you no doubt know, and we discussed in my June 27, 2015 post entitled “Love is Love“, the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled that same-gender marriages were legal and binding throughout the United States. Love indeed is love!

I honor not only Jimmy Carter but also men on the Supreme Court as examples, however imperfect they may be, of what men rising to support God’s Divine Feminine are capable of! If you follow this weblog, you know my position that Jesus’ ministry was all about restoring the Divine Balance of masculine and feminine energy, reflected in men and women, as the pattern with which God created everything we experience – but for the imbalance Adam set in motion. It is this imbalance Jesus sought to restore.

In my book, “The Word 2.0“, you can read the entire biographical story of Jesus’ ministry – check it out. And shortly my series of “study guides” that lend additional insight into Jesus’ ministry will also be available.


Jenny Horne 7-9-15

I also discussed the courage of South Carolina Governor Nikki Barber to speak up for the removal of the rebel flag from the S.C. statehouse in the wake of the murder of black parishioners by a white man – including a S.C. State Senator. Their sacrifice will change not only South Carolina, but the South, and indeed all of America!

Today we know that the government of the State of S.C. voted to remove that symbol of racism and oppression from the statehouse, and shortly it will be gone. Some say an impassioned speech by another woman, Jenny Horne, a descendant of CSA President Jefferson Davis, was also instrumental in the vote to remove that flag: []

Divine Balance can only be restored to all Creation – the Universe if you prefer, when men become willing to put aside their selfish self-will and ego, their fear and their violence to acknowledge that God made men and women co-equal. In this instance, women are standing up and it makes a powerful difference. When men come to understand that they, and indeed we all need the strong voice of a determined Feminine aspect, change will happen immediately!

Be someone who supports Divine Balance by honoring God’s Divine Feminine!

Love & Light,





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