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Divine Balance

June 29, 2015

If you are new to my weblog, welcome! It is a branch of my book “The Word 2.0“, an exciting new biography of Jesus of Nazareth. One fresh new revelation in the book is how very feminine Jesus’ message to men truly is. And one aspect of that message to men is the extent to which masculine and feminine aspects of Creation balance one another – what I call Divine Balance.

For more background, please refer to the First Book of Moses called Genesis. As is discussed elsewhere, the basic pattern of all Creation follows God’s own perfectly balanced Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine nature. That pattern is evident throughout not only the Law, the Prophets, the Other Writings of the Hebrew-Jewish Tanakh, but also other testaments including what I call “the Love” – the aspect of God’s Divine Nature that Jesus and Scriptural sources reveal. While my book itself, and the study guides discuss these details at greater length, I survey and discuss “news” that offers a significant masculine/feminine insight.

One form of masculine and feminine balance with which God infused Creation is what we call “pH Balance”: The balance of Acidity and Alkalinity evident in all things. Acidity is of course a masculine aspect while Alkalinity is feminine. I focus on this particular aspect today because of a Supreme Court ruling just announced today. No one argues that when coal burns it emits very harmful even noxious gases which are largely acidic or acid-forming. In allowing the coal industry to spew these harmful fumes the Court is tacitly allowing the acidification of Earth (feminine) while doing nothing to mitigate the effect.

How do such things happen? Well for one thing the Supreme Court is a male-dominant body. The majority of men on that panel are simply not capable of comprehending the effects of their imbalanced decisions, instead yielding to coal producing states and coal companies – themselves masculine enterprises.Either that or they do not care about the effect of acidity on human beings, plants, animals, the oceans – all life actually.

Experts agree that acidity already affects our health and well-being, while what the Court has decided will accelerate the effect on our air, our water, our food – all life. It is especially sad because we are able to harness alkalinity to mitigate coal’s effect immediately. And if we do not, the Earth herself will rebalance without our consent regardless what any body of men decide.

Today’s story comes to you thanks to the LA Times: []

I also encourage you to consider what Jesus says about such matters, and how little the world of men know or understand about God’s Divine Feminine, in this instance reflected in the Earth:

“So is it with the Kingdom of God. A man casts seed into the ground, and then he sleeps.

     “He rises night and day, and the seed springs and grow up – but he does not know how.

For the Earth brings forth fruit of herself. First the blade then the ear and then after that the full corn in the ear.”

The Word 2.0“, page 136.

Love & Light,


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