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June 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Son ~ I love you!

My book “The Word 2.0” is ultimately dedicated to the re-emergence of God’s Divine Feminine aspect re-balancing the Divine Masculine in true co-equality.

Whether or not you agree with any particular version of the Bible, perhaps consider it a collection of quaint stories, or whatever, believe it or not, in the Law in Genesis / B’Resheet 1:26 – 27 it reads:

“God said,

          ‘Let us make humankind in our image – in the likeness of ourselves’…

“God created them male and female in God’s image.”

In all of life’s forms and variations, we are all the God’s children and there is no difference between us except some of us are made manifest male and some of us female. However men and women are absolute co-equals in perfect Divine Balance just as God is in perfect Divine Balance. And I believe one of the principle reasons Scripture exists today is that all these stories and events are meant to guide us back to Divine Balance. Not to divide us, but to bring us together as one, just as God is One. And if you take the time to actually read whatever version of the Scripture that suits you, you will discover such amazing diversity of life in those pages.

Recall what God said in the Law, and what Jesus reiterated in the Love:

“Know and understand that from the beginning of Creation:

          ‘God made them male and female.’

“Did you not read that God who made them at the beginning of Creation made them male and female, also said:

          ‘For this reason a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife.’?

“That they two become one? So then:

          ‘They are no more two, but one flesh.’”

In whatever form God’s Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine takes, however we are made manifest, God did not create us to remain separate and co-equal, but to become as One.  Whatever beliefs you may have, my focus is on Spirit – the embodiment of God’s Divine Feminine aspect, which, as Jesus taught, is a process begins with the spiritual cleansing of the mikveh/baptism. That allows healing to take place, and so makes possible a rebirth in Spirit. As Jesus taught, we must reconcile all our relationships, all men and women, whatever our beliefs and circumstances, to move Creation toward restoration in God. Accepting this is God’s plan for us is our best first step!

Along the way, men especially have assumed it is their job to judge others. Whether someone for some reason is fit for God’s Kingdom. They twist and turn what some other earlier men wrote to make it suitable for their concepts of control, but as we see time and again, men controlling anything is at best a brief illusion. One such way men have sought to use the Law to dominate and control the Love is by defining what is and is not marriage. Men are all about what makes them different as a matter of ego (evil) and self-will (sin) rather than what makes us the same. And make no mistake, by whatever name you may call God, we are all God’s children!

The truth is irresistible and inescapable: Love is Love! This week, no doubt to the surprise of many, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, ruled that civil marriage includes couples of the same sex – love does not discriminate; the Love is the Law! And furthermore bestows upon these unions all the rights and privileges afforded every other married couple. And perhaps more importantly still, makes the way straight for same-sex couples and indeed everyone to be treated equally!

It is a testament to the waning influence of men, and to the rise of the Divine Feminine that such acceptance is even possible. Men and women both have suffered – tolerated and accepted the oppression of other men long enough. Men who use divisions and differences to stir discord. And in so doing invent new ways to destroy life. Today’s victory is for the feminine of attributes of collaboration and cooperation – in every way possible!

And some people say there is no God! Tisk, tisk!

If you are not familiar with my book “The Word 2.0” let me just quickly say the sub-title should be “What if Jesus was a woman?” It is a startling new biography of Jesus of Nazareth based on a single, unified timeline, it blends together all four of the “New Testament” gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It includes material from Genesis and the Tanakh (Scripture) as context, as well as material from Acts, Corinthians and Revelations where Jesus is also recorded as speaking.

The Word 2.0” illuminates what God and Jesus teach about the re-emergence of God’s Divine Feminine toward the restoration of Divine Balance throughout Creation.

The first 7 study guides are due out soon, so stay tuned for more information. They will cover such topics as Parable-Storytelling, Dreams & Visions, Seek Balance and Manifest Change from Jesus’ teaching.

Love & Light,




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