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Contrary to popular modern perception and apparent church teachings, Jesus of Nazareth was NOT a Hellenist at all but a “Traditionalist” Hebrew-Jewish teacher and Rabbi.

The Word 2.0

When you align all the events of Jesus’ life, as they are given us in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, as well as Acts, Corinthians, and of course the Revelation, as they are in my book “The Word 2.0“, you can only conclude Jesus was a very observant, very traditional Jewish teacher and Rabbi. And that regardless of the differences he may have had with other sects’ teachers and scribes, he adhered closely to God’s word.

Indeed, when you read my book for yourself you will receive a much clearer image of whom Jesus truly was beginning with his orthodoxy observing the seven “Feasts of the Lord” as proscribed by God in Leviticus, as well as his observance of Sabbaths. Not to mention his observance of “The Festival of Lights” in Jerusalem. The very Holiday that celebrates the defeat of the Greek Hellenists in Israel 165 years before his birth.

The Menorah of the Festival of Lights, or Hanukkah as the celebration is better known today.

The Menorah of the Festival of Lights, or Hanukkah as the celebration is better known today, symbolizes the defeat of the Greek Hellenists and the restoration of God’s Temple in Jerusalem.

Did you know, for example, the Greek Hellenists, whom the Revolt of the Maccabees defeated and drove out of Israel, had outlawed God? They forbade any worship of God under penalty of death? And in Gods’ place they sought to install their Hellenist “man-worship” – the worship of the male form as a god? And preferably the only partially clad or naked male form at that?

The better you understand Hellenism the more you will want to ask yourself why you believe what it is you truly believe – whatever church you consider yourself a member! And the more you will realize ‘churchianity’ teaches Hellenism not God and not Jesus of Nazareth at all! Neither by God’s will nor by the teachings of Jesus are men allowed to subjugate, oppress, dominate, control or otherwise abuse women, the female, or anything feminine.

got balance

Instead, consider why Jesus was so critical of men. Wonder why he advocated for men to adopt more ‘feminine virtues and qualities’. Attempt to grasp what balance truly means. Come to understand that men are not more equal than women under God.



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