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Surrendering with White Flag mountain-climbing-2

Taking a deeeeeep breath, and exhaaaale.

I just finished finals week here in Santa Barbara. Honestly, I know that my finals don’t really compare to some other peoples’ finals, but its one of those tactile feelings in the air. Like the buzz of the air in the library as students discuss the last-minute details of the projects nearing due-dates.

Above, you’ll see the surrender flag. I also look at is as the peace flag; in these last couple of weeks I both submit to and strive to ace my classes. I do feel like I’ve gotten to the top of a mountain. The strangest thing I’m noticing though is that my body has become so used to be worried about my finals that its having a hard time relaxing into this new space that lacks deadlines.

At least until next semester.

This past fall has truly called on me to investigate the consequences of my decisions and to choose a new intention for my energy. I found that my classes weren’t challenging me in the right ways, though I took a lot from them. The disquiet I felt helped me to recognize my desire to go travel and work in my passion.


This is precisely why we go to school: To become inspired to follow our drives and imagine leading passionate lives. Like I said in my December energy report, the new year gives us permission to start anew and is an ideal time for re-orientation. For me that means preparing to see my family on the east coast and afterward, re-orienting my schedule to accommodate expanding my sphere of experiences in Permaculture.

Follow your bliss

Take a look at our book The Word 2.0 to see how Jesus guided listeners into discovering their own truths through his talent for parable story telling.



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