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July 28, 2015

We come from a somewhat unique perspective on the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth that he taught the absolute co-equality of men and women. And he did so because God created men and women in perfect harmony, unity and balance. We experience the imbalance of masculine-dominance today because Adam refused to accept responsibility for his own actions in the Garden – refused to be held accountable, which separated him from both God and woman. That imbalance he set in motion continues today – here and now, because of men’s egoic (translate: evil), selfish (translate: sinful) self-will.

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First in a series covering our upcoming The Word 2.0 Pamphlets: “Men Are Stupid”.

To briefly introduce this subject, understand and accept that Jesus ministered primarily to men – being that they are the source of imbalance throughout Creation. On point, let me provide two quotes Jesus spoke to and about men:

     “I say to you that every idle word that men speak, they will have to give account thereof in the Day of Judgment.
     “By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Page 127)

     “That which comes out of (a) man is what defiles him. Those are the things which proceed out of the mouth that come from the hearts of men – evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, false witness, slanders, deceit, sensualities, envy, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemies, pride, and foolishness.
     “All these things come from within him – these are the things that defile a man.”
(Page 166)

It seems political contests bring to the forefront of our consciousness precisely how ill men really are. And if not ill, how stupid? I mean that if men are ill, what they say may be somewhat understandable – as they would be delusional, fevered, possessed you might say. But if men are not physically ill, but morally, intellectually, or spiritually afflicted (conditions with which Jesus can help), then their words are either completely idle, or they are premeditated.

When a man who is a candidate running for public office – national office in fact, is willing to conjure imagery based upon “ovens”, what are we to think? We’ll get back to the idle vs premeditation discussion in a moment because at first I was tempted to believe he was reacting out of fear to the words of another candidate who garnered more attention than he is able to. And inflammatory as this other man is, this man felt compelled to be even more inflammatory to compensate. Sort of like two little boys arguing, “my inflammation is bigger than yours!” If of course this is anything like possible, it is little more than pandering – whore-mongering if you will, to audiences of people who simply do not comprehend the power of words.

Be that as it may, but keeping in mind how orators perceive their audiences, if this candidate’s spoken words about “ovens” were merely idle – mindless, unconscious, unknowing, unaware – then this man is truly stupid believing such ludicrous things.

On the other hand, if his words were not idle but premeditated – designed to cause a reaction, maliciously forethought, intentional – then he is even more stupid for two reasons: 1) Having actually come up with such languaging in the context of a national campaign with the belief it would endear him to some audience of men, or 2) That using such a horrifyingly tragic event, and imagery associated with it, perpetrated by other men in the past, would garner the support of men today. In either case, stupid is almost inadequate.

His inability to grasp history, including apparently even his own, only further serves to point out the short attention of the men in the audience who respond to such stupidity. What after all does it say about them? I am confident that women in the audience know better, even if they are afraid to speak up.

In closing however, I would like you to consider the futility of men trying to deny who Jesus was speaking to. Instead be mindful of whom G-d – blessed be all God’s holy names, was speaking to. Then please men read what Jesus said once more, very carefully, before you speak again. And keep in mind he said much, much more. Read the book!

Love & Light,


Jesus and Hanukkah

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