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49. Greek-Hellenist Mythology: Economics & Cost-Benefit Analysis

Dear Readers,

Was it ever really true what has been written and said about how “science” is at war with “the church”? Is there anyone, for example, not already well aware that science as such is a masculine invention whose very purpose is to understand “the world” (yet another masculine construct) in which we live? But aren’t we equally aware that the church is a masculine invention as well? Isn’t it more like one school of Greek thinking is really at war with another school of Greek thinking? The more classical, egalitarian way of understanding versus the more modern methods of organization and control? We are of course convinced that the real issue hidden beneath all this rhetoric is that the masculine is at war with the feminine. Be it the unintentional purpose of science, originating in Greece, or the design of Greek-inspired religion, the consequence has been the de-femininzing of God and of the Earth in favor of the masculine-dominant worldview of Greek Hellenism.

Is it not so that science is largely a backward looking methodology that studies what has already occurred, indeed what already exists, in an effort to predict what may happen in the future? Is its notion of understanding not really little more than gleaning kernels of insights into why things behave as they do? Is its clear hope not that further study – read that as compilation of facts and data, that what may happen can not only be predicted but controlled? Yes, the very masculine preoccupation with order and so control based upon reason – a much overused word. Is this masculine pursuit not in essence the compartmentalizing, cataloging and digitizing of our analogue experience – life? Spirit? The Divine Feminine? This is of course not some new phenomenon recently discovered. The effort by men to suppress and indeed oppress women dates back to at least the translation of the Hebrew-Jewish Bible into Greek – the Septuagint, by Hellenists.

So while somewhat more egalitarian science and male-dominant religion vie with one another for prominence, our concern ought rightly be which one or both might effectively vanquish anything feminine? The real matter at hand is life herself. All life. Which as God has said, flows through the feminine – woman. We take this opportunity to remind you that the male-dominance we refer to derives from Greek Hellenism. It is the Seleucid variety that found its way into Israel-Judea from Syria several hundred years before Jesus was even born. Dedicated to, among other things, the suppression and oppression of all things feminine. The same Greek Hellenism that found favor with the male-dominant sect called the Pharisees. The Pharisees whom Jesus of Nazareth spent almost his entire ministry attacking and criticizing. Why? Because Jesus was a Traditionalist Jewish Rabbi not a Pharisee or in any form a supporter of Greek Hellenism. Based upon God’s actual Word – the Law and the Love, Jesus was a “Feminine-ist” teaching the gospel of Divine Feminine and Masculine equality and balance. Read Miguel’s book “The Word 2.0” for a better insight, please.


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What we euphemistically refer to as “Economics” is one such pseudo-scientific sounding tool that seeks to bring a version of masculine order, control and dominance to the often chaotic dealings of men left to their own egoic (evil) self-will (sin). Of the many sub-topics falling under the heading of ‘economics’, one myth finding its way into headlines recently is “Cost-Benefit Analysis”. For those who are not familiar, the very conception of “Cost” is a very masculine idea, while “Benefit” is typically feminine. Men characterize ‘cost avoidance‘ as something good. To refocus our attention on “Benefit” is difficult as they often seem less ‘tangible‘. Who wants to pay more after all, and doesn’t everything have a cost? Women seek benefit for a greater good while men seek to shift costs away from themselves. Very reasonable and logical sounding don’t you think? But even this discussion, however literate it may seem, overlooks the deeper truth doesn’t it?

The real battle in this example of Economics is over what is referred to as the “Pricing Equation“. Is what we consider a ‘cost’ or a ‘benefit’ not a matter of perspective – masculine or feminine, after all? Whosoever controls this equation, and the factors considered within its narrow domain, has the real power. And of course this is where men excel. The price we pay for any given product includes only those elements certain men have deemed worthy of inclusion. What is not deemed appropriate is automatically shifted back onto the community – the feminine, although that includes pretty much everyone else. This makes for a lively conversation because men are so easily manipulated by expressions like “supply and demand”, “the market”, “competition”, “economies of scale” and other concepts that try and explain the things other men have invented.  

When Jesus said, “calculate (count) the cost” (page 246.), do you suppose he intended for anything to be excluded? Especially the negative side-effects? If Jesus were to comment of smoking cigarettes for example, would the cost not include the negative social or medical costs of smoking? We think not. And yet who ends up bearing those many costs? Do we find those costs accounted for in the price of a pack of cigarettes? But would Jesus stop at cigarette smoking? What activity men promote as ‘good’ would he exclude?




We are dedicated to the absolute co-equality and balance between men and women! Our premise is that God created us this way to be whole, complete, unified – as One, through one another, masculine and feminine. That is what Jesus taught men. We are discussing how the Word of God as taught by Jesus of Nazareth was willfully or inadvertently misrepresented or misunderstood such that men came to believe they were somehow more equal.

God is One! We are one! Consider the Sh’ma (Shema):

     “Hear O Israel – The Lord our God is One Lord. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’

     “This is the first and great commandment.

     “The second is like it, namely this:

          ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'” (Pages 305 – 306.)

Whether or not you agree please be our “Friend” and “Share” us with your friends!

You are reading one in a series on the “Feminine-ist” teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.

As a Traditionalist Rabbi opposed to Hellenism, Jesus’ teachings are drawn entirely from the Law, the Hebrew-Jewish Scripture and the Traditionalist doctrine of his day. To which he chooses to specifically emphasize God’s Divine Balance – the absolute co-equality, balance, unity, harmony and Oneness of God’s masculine and feminine aspects.


This weblog, our pamphlets, study guides and other materials are inspired by Miguel’s book, The Word 2.0, a new biography of Jesus of Nazareth in his own words, based upon a single, unified timeline that reveals important new details about his life and ministry! For example that Jesus was not a Hellenist!

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God is undifferentiated masculine and feminine energy in perfect balance, whole, complete, unified, and co-equal. God is neither male nor female, and yet both – inseparable! And as a reflection of God’s Divine Balance, God made each of us manifest as male and female, man and woman, in God’s perfect likeness! Truly a state of grace.

How Adam’s actions brought about the fall from this state of grace is something we will discuss elsewhere. Suffice it to say that long before Jesus was born, men and women were already out of balance. In the more immediate sense of events which took place in Israel before Jesus was born, I found the Seleucid Greek invasion critically important because of the belief system we call “Hellenism” the Greeks forced on the children of Israel at that time.

It may not be especially well known today but the Seleucid Greeks from Syria outlawed our One True God! They forbade the worship of God under the penalty of death. Their King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (Antíochos D’ ho Epiphanḗs, “God Manifest”), believing he was god, decreed the people would have no other god before him.

King Antiochus IV, "image of (G)od, bearer of victory"

Coin depicting King Antiochus IV: “Image of (G)od; bearer of victory”

Hellenism did cause divisions among the people though. On one hand identifying with the Greek empire and culture could enrich certain elite Israelites, but on the other hand their man-worship violated God’s Law. This divided not only those who were “Hellenists”, their supporters and adherents, from those who were “Traditionalists“, but also, apparently, men from women. Why? Because it is also in the nature of Hellenism that women be subordinate to men.

Typical Hellenist art depicts the naked male-form as the object of worship - godly.

Typical Hellenist art depicts the naked male-form as the object of worship – godly.

But our One True God was definitely not a Hellenist, right? Given that, Jesus was not a Hellenist – quite the opposite. We might characterize Jesus’ ministry as anti-Hellenist – teaching men in particular about the Divine Balance of God’s Feminine and Masculine aspects, specifically “Feminine-ism“. I briefly outline some basic principles of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and ministry, as they are revealed in “The Word 2.0”:

1. Jesus was a “Traditional” Hebrew-Jewish teacher and Rabbi – to say the very least!

2. Jesus was not a “Hellenist” in any sense of our understanding the word.

3. Jesus espoused and promoted that our One True God – the God of Israel, is a perfect co-equal balance of both masculine and feminine, as is reflected in all Creation.

4. Jesus said that we must love the Lord our God first and foremost, and then love one another as we love ourselves.

5. Jesus taught that love, beginning with God’s “Ruach HaKodesh” – the Breath of Life and Holy Spirit, as aspects of God’s Divine Feminine, is the only way that men can experience the Kingdom of God.

6. Jesus rejected the kind of egocentric, selfish, self-centered thinking and behavior of men that characterizes “Hellenism”.

We will discuss each of these points in much greater detail as we continue, and, look for my study guides they will soon also be available!

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