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Post #38

Dear Readers,

How is the violent, aggressive tyranny of men enabled? Society? Culture? Beliefs? All the above? Could it be some of those very ‘man-worship’ tenants of Greek Hellenism Jesus opposed in the Pharisees?

Anger, hostility, aggressiveness, violence driven by ego-centric self-will are chief among those man-worshiping traits and behaviors men express out of fear. A destructive energy unleashed upon the world for lack of balance born of men’s belief that inequality is good – godly. Before our One True God all are equal. But in the world of men, the illusion of inequality was invented by men to sustain their power and control. And not just between men and women, but between some men and other, different men. This illusion of difference, of inequality is precisely what the Hellenist Pharisees stood for, and Jesus stood against. Albert Einstein said of men:

“A human being is a part of the whole – called by us ‘Universe’… (A man) experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. Our task must be to free ourselves from this delusion – this prison, by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.” (Page vii)

Is this inner security not the foundation of outer security? And so love and faith – feminine virtues – are our only hope for peace? The rock upon which true harmony, unity and oneness are built? All reflecting the absolute co-equality and balance of Creation – the Universe, which our One True God created? Of which Jesus ministered and taught? But the Hellenist worldview and the male elites that dominate and control it, do not seem to value feminine qualities like equality, sharing or even peace. And so it must be that women especially are quite literally held down.      

Looking deeper into Greek Hellenism we discover a wide variety of methodological mythology that supports their masculine dominant worldview. One such myth regards what we call justice, democracy and the illusion of “we the people“. While it is indeed a lofty ideal full of promise, democracy – a concept of  “one man, one vote”, it is said to have been born of elite, wealthy men in Athens Greece, some six Centuries before Jesus was even born. Bookmark this note.


References are to pages in the book.

“The Word 2.0”                              References are to pages in the book. And our many thanks to Wikipedia!


Over the subsequent 20 Centuries, the notion of democracy evolved as men of the Greek Empire, then the Roman Empire, and then throughout western civilization as we understand it, maintained and grew their power and control using this illusion of equality. As we know only too well, it had nothing to do with true equality before God did it? Invented by men to serve men, it became a self-justifying system of male-dominant order.

As late as 17 Centuries after Jesus’ birth, democracy continued to be a political tool by which western men maintained their power. Of course certain religious dogma reinforced this belief system, that is a conversation for another day. For now recall that when those immortal words, “we the people” were written, they did only apply to white, land-owning elite men of substance, right? How do we not perceive them as the incarnate modern Hellenist-Pharisees of that era?

While the Civil War may have emancipated African Americans, no real rights attached until some 100 years later in 1964 with the Civil Rights Act. A struggle for even the most basic of rights that most have come to realize actually continues to this day – this very moment. Women on the other hand have not yet enjoyed the right even to vote 100 years as of this moment. Can we balance in our hearts and minds the rights wealthy, land-owning elite men have enjoyed for 26 Centuries compared to all others for less than one Century? And in most parts of even the western world, women do not yet even enjoy those freedoms, let alone the eastern and southern parts of the world where Hellenism dominates absolutely!

Before God however, men truly fear women, equality and balance. So enabled, men project their desire for domination, control and power throughout the world using their brand of fear. One result is they now export all manner of guns and weapons of destruction to properly aligned men elsewhere. Ostensibly they dominate the women, children and other lesser men of their countries. That is if they do not terrorize, maim or simply kill them. One day soon we should discuss Jesus’, Gandhi’s and the Rev. King’s principles of non-violence.  


The expression, “We the people,” introduces a document we call the Constitution. A document those self-same men produced in 1787. As we said, it did not apply to women, who had no unalienable rights, and were only slightly above property – possessions. Nor did it apply to people of color, who were by and large property. It did not even apply to lower classes of poorer white men. It just happens to embody an evolving system of beliefs we might add justified, rationalized and supported by churchianity. Following the body-parts of the Constitution, we find enumerated a list of freedoms called the “Bill of Rights” – again reserved exclusively unto men who qualified for such rights.

Immediately following the first such right these men would enjoy – including speech, religion and assembly, the Second Amendment was their right to keep and bear arms (adopted in 1791). Still reeling from the vestiges of the “American Revolution”, it was originally envisioned an integral part of a well regulated militia. However for these last 200+ years, other elected and appointed men have protected this particular right. It has assured that men have retained to means to forcibly, aggressively and even violently maintain their power and control over women, other men, or anyone who might challenge their perceptions and dominance.

In so far as the Second Amendment is concerned, we must see clearly it is a right invented by and for men. And if we were to stop and consider another minute, what have men done, and continue to do with this right? Far and away, whether individually or under the color of authority, the main purpose guns have served in the hands of men is to threaten, terrorize, main, and kill women. Gun violence by men against women is a matter of public record – go and see. Of course they also kill children and even other different men, these men, and even boys, use their guns to kill women by the tens of thousands every year.

Even the mere brandishing of guns by men ensures a measure of respect doesn’t it? In many places right here in America, to this very day, most women dare not even speak up knowing the justice of men will not defend them. Especially when those men are their husbands, fathers, boy-friends, brothers, even acquaintances. The so-called justice system men invented does not really protect women, children or lesser men does it? And yet how much pain have these men brought upon themselves? On the occasion of his 2nd Inaugural address, did Abraham Lincoln not suggest that every drop of blood spilled by the lash (oppression; subjugation; domination) would be repaid by the sword?


Regarding men’s right to keep and bear ever more potent arms of alarming firepower, by a 2-to-1 vote, a panel of the 4th District Court of Appeals (in a case called Kolbe v. Maryland) – all men, recently struck down a ban on Maryland’s law banning semi-automatic assault weapons with magazines holding many, many, many bullets saying:

“(They) concluded that the semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity magazines banned by Maryland’s (2013) Firearm Safety Act “are in common use by law-abiding citizens.” As a result, they don’t fall under the exception to the right to bear arms that applies to “unusual” weapons such as machine guns and hand grenades.” [our special thanks to “The Baltimore Sun“]

This bill focused attention on the type weapon used by a man to kill 20 students and children in Connecticut in 2013. Men’s answer is more guns. This has the oddly familiar ring of men’s corrupt thinking which has time and again brought the world we all share to the brink of ruin.

Love & Peace



We are dedicated to the absolute co-equality and balance between men and women! Our premise is that God created us this way to be whole, complete, unified – as One, through one another, masculine and feminine. That is what Jesus taught men. We are discussing how the Word of God as taught by Jesus of Nazareth was willfully or inadvertently misrepresented or misunderstood such that men came to believe they were somehow more equal.

God is One! We are one! Consider the Sh’ma (Shema):

“Hear O Israel – The Lord our God is One Lord. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’

This is the first and great commandment.

The second is like it, namely this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Pages 305 – 306.)

Whether or not you agree please be our “Friend” and “Share” us with your friends!

You are reading one in a series on the “Feminine-ist” teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.

As a Traditionalist Rabbi opposed to Hellenism, Jesus’ teachings are drawn entirely from the Law, the Hebrew-Jewish Scripture and the Traditionalist doctrine of his day. To which he chooses to specifically emphasize God’s Divine Balance – the absolute co-equality, balance, unity, harmony and Oneness of God’s masculine and feminine aspects.


This weblog, our pamphlets, study guides and other materials are inspired by Miguel’s book, The Word 2.0, a new biography of Jesus of Nazareth in his own words, based upon a single, unified timeline that reveals important new details about his life and ministry! For example that Jesus was not a Hellenist!

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God is undifferentiated masculine and feminine energy in perfect balance, whole, complete, unified, and co-equal. God is neither male nor female, and yet both – inseparable! And as a reflection of God’s Divine Balance, God made each of us manifest as male and female, man and woman, in God’s perfect likeness! Truly a state of grace.

How Adam’s actions brought about the fall from this state of grace is something we will discuss elsewhere. Suffice it to say that long before Jesus was born, men and women were already out of balance. In the more immediate sense of events which took place in Israel before Jesus was born, I found the Seleucid Greek invasion critically important because of the belief system we call “Hellenism” the Greeks forced on the children of Israel at that time.

It may not be especially well known today but the Seleucid Greeks from Syria outlawed our One True God! They forbade the worship of God under the penalty of death. Their King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (Antíochos D’ ho Epiphanḗs, “God Manifest”), believing he was god, decreed the people would have no other god before him.

King Antiochus IV, "image of (G)od, bearer of victory"

Coin depicting King Antiochus IV: “Image of (G)od; bearer of victory”

Hellenism did cause divisions among the people though. On one hand identifying with the Greek empire and culture could enrich certain elite Israelites, but on the other hand their man-worship violated God’s Law. This divided not only those who were “Hellenists”, their supporters and adherents, from those who were “Traditionalists“, but also, apparently, men from women. Why? Because it is also in the nature of Hellenism that women be subordinate to men.

Typical Hellenist art depicts the naked male-form as the object of worship - godly.

Typical Hellenist art depicts the naked male-form as the object of worship – godly.

But our One True God was definitely not a Hellenist, right? Given that, Jesus was not a Hellenist – quite the opposite. We might characterize Jesus’ ministry as anti-Hellenist – teaching men in particular about the Divine Balance of God’s Feminine and Masculine aspects, specifically “Feminine-ism“. I briefly outline some basic principles of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and ministry, as they are revealed in “The Word 2.0”:

1. Jesus was a “Traditional” Hebrew-Jewish teacher and Rabbi – to say the very least!

2. Jesus was not a “Hellenist” in any sense of our understanding the word.

3. Jesus espoused and promoted that our One True God – the God of Israel, is a perfect co-equal balance of both masculine and feminine, as is reflected in all Creation.

4. Jesus said that we must love the Lord our God first and foremost, and then love one another as we love ourselves.

5. Jesus taught that love, beginning with God’s “Ruach HaKodesh” – the Breath of Life and Holy Spirit, as aspects of God’s Divine Feminine, is the only way that men can experience the Kingdom of God.

6. Jesus rejected the kind of egocentric, selfish, self-centered thinking and behavior of men that characterizes “Hellenism”.

We will discuss each of these points in much greater detail as we continue, and, look for my study guides they will soon also be available!


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